{Open Access} In The Light Of The Moon…

Welcome to our first Open Access Musings for the month!! Tomorrow we enter into some truly primordial magic. This month is a major catalyst into the culmination of a great many energies and creative ideations that have been percolating beneath the surface the past few years.

Published in


March 6, 2023


Nikka Karli

{Open Access} In The Light Of The Moon…

Welcome to our first Open Access Musings for the month!!

Tomorrow we enter into some truly primordial magic.

This month is a major catalyst into the culmination of a great many energies and creative ideations that have been percolating beneath the surface the past few years.

Can you feel it?

The quickening of body, breath, blood, and bone?

It beckons us into the deep.

It whispers us in and out of form.

And it asks us to let it all die.

That which can no longer stand in this next evolution of the sacred and the soul.

And will you say yes?

Will you surrender into that which you know you are…

But have temporality forgotten?

Will you release the notion of your own frailty and inability to be your everything?

Because that is what we are being called into this month.

That is the burying of the bones that is howling us back into primordial revelation and sight.

Will you say yes?

Will you throw open your arms and unbecome?

If so, I have an invitation to extend, from one of my dope AF clients, Michelle Man.

This is medicine of the beyond, that I have had the honor of witnessing her rebirth into this world.

And, if you are ready to find your pleasure as you release the ways you have been taught to grieve loss… the ways you have been told change has to look and feel… the ways you have believed that endings were actually an end…

Then this might just be a portal for you.

The offering is called Death as a Playground and if it is your time to let die that which must die and grieve the things that have been left in the darkness…

The journey begins March 25th.

And you can enroll and join her here.

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,



If you want to drop in with Michelle a bit beforehand, you can also excavate the playground with her in this invitation on her brand new YT channel here.


I’ll be back with more Open Access magic later this month!

But if you want to hop in on my 1:1 Identity Sessions that open tomorrow, just DM or text me for the deets.

Melanated Kin, look for our first ever Melanated Access “edition” tomorrow…

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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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