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As Melanated artists, messengers, and medicine kin, we can often find ourselves in spaces where we are the only bodies who look like us. Where the voices being spoken not only don’t reflect us… They often DISMISS us.
March 11, 2023
You can’t just keep being a fluffer for who-ever-the-fuck you’ve been allowing to star in your life. I mean, you CAN. Of course, you CAN. Except… Not really, though, right? Because it’s taking everything you’ve got just to keep your head above water.
July 12, 2022
Sometimes we feel a calling, a THUNDERING, of soul. Sometimes we even listen… I used to do a fuck ton of livestreams back in the day. I am a firm believer that creative expression {and creation energy in and of itself} moves in phases.
July 6, 2022
Pre-S: I made you something. It’s free, short, and potent AF. It’s called Percussive Fire and I made it for a time such as this. To clean and clear. To dissolve and liberate. To remember.
June 26, 2022
Holy shit!! Who just dropped an actual and factual video on the YouTubes?!!! This goddess right the fuck herrrreeeee, that’s who. Ok, factual? Well… factual on a SOUL level, absolutely! And most CERTAINLY entertaining, as well as a transmission that will light a solstice fire under your gorgeous ass.
June 22, 2022