Mystic Eros: The Lab

A private {re}wilding membership with Nikka Karli for the ongoing revelation, merging, and erotic energetics of coming {and cummmmming} fully alive

{open to women, femmes, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming kin}

Enroll Now
You Always Knew It Would Come To This.

The moment {the moment} when you could no longer pretend to be anything less than the primordial evocation of God being made manifest as you.

As Creator being breathed in and out of form as you.

As creation, destruction, and rebirth unraveling the spaces between…

As you.

And why did you try to pretend for so long, anyway?


The living had to be done, ya know?

The belonging and the safety and the surviving.

It had to be done by someone.

And somewhere along the lines, you decided that someone had to be you.

Or maybe you didn’t really decide, so much as agreed.

I know, I know.

You would fucking never.



You kinda, sorta did.

Not consciously.

Not really.

More so to get along.

To get by.

To feel as if you had some semblance of freedom, as you continued to choke down the life you were supposed to want and be grateful for.

To feel as if you had some sort of peace, as you continued to wage wars upon your own skin and treat your body as a battleground for the world.

But that freedom and peace you thought was yours came at the cost of your soul dying on the vine.

It came at the cost of confining yourself into a life that would never {and could never} fit.

Not for someone like you.

Not for someone who has scented the Wilds like you.

And certainly not for someone who has called home the mystery and the madness and the bones like you.

But what of the belonging and the protection that come with playing the game?

What of that?

Well, therein lies the cosmic rub, you see.

Because in playing a game that was never meant for you, you only ended up playing yourself.

I know, I know, but stay with me here.

And in said fuckery, you almost {almost} began to believe the lies.

…That maybe you couldn’t really have it your way.

…That maybe it couldn’t be what you saw and felt and knew inside.

…That maybe, just maybe, you actually were wrong all along.

{Ouchhhhhh, and also, fuuuuuuccccckkkkkk.}

But, a funny thing happens while you’re walking the Muggle Dick Road.

At some point, you stumble upon yourself.

And, at some point, you begin to believe again.

In your everything.

This Is Where You Come {& Cummmmm} Fully Alive

It’s about time, you know?

For you to believe.

For you to see.

It’s about time for you to be revealed back unto yourself once more.

Because the rabbit’s getting old, baby, and you know {you damn well fucking KNOW} that you were always The One.

You know that you were never wrong about what you are and what you came here to evoke and become.

And also?

You know Frank Sinatra had it right.

It does get to be done YOUR WAY.

And that in and of itself is a privilege, Wild One!!

Because fuck alllllll the noise that tells you it has to be the bro marketing way.

The white washed feminism way.

The hypermasculine, colonized, supremacist culture way.

As if it could or would ever be anything other than the sacred medicine of The Most High being poured over the world through your body, your madness, your power, your eros, your art.

As if {as if!!} it was ever going to require you to have the world sucking at your teat and exhausting you, in order for you to be you.

Now, I know.

That encoding?

It runs deep.

But, you know what’s deeper?

The Wilds.

And what if instead of continuously perpetuating the habituated and destructive colonized linear upon your body, yourself, your business, your creativity…

You leaned back, opened your thighs, and said yes to your everything?

What if now became the moment when you finally allowed your pussy/oracle-divined magic to be dripped over the pages of the world?

What might become of you?

Do you know?

Of course not.

Because it’s the mystery.

And also?

You knew all along.

It was you all along.

You knew it.

You tasted it on the back of your tongue.

You howled it to the moon, before you even understood the language of this world.

And it’s all calling you now.

Beseeching you.

To return to that which it was always going to be about through you, for you, within you.

Your turn on.

Your pleasure.

Your embodied evocation.

Your headboard shaking, legs quivering, soul awakening, lineage healing, ley line igniting Beingness.

Where you become so alive, so fired up, so attuned and dropped in…

That the Bonfire of Creation nods her head, howls you asunder, and then whispers you back into form.

Cuz The Vanities ain’t got shit on you.

And from now on, neither does the quagmiric sucking of who they tried to make you.

Devotional Ecstasy To The Craft & The Fullest Expression Of Soul

When you’re ready to stay ready…

And to stop letting colonial and supremacist standards have their way with you…

You might find yourself adrift.

Because what is there to hold us up, when we release everything that {we thought} once mored us to shore?

But, that’s the Great Supremacist Lie, isn’t it?

That if you allow yourself to ascend and descend and transcend into the Ways of the Wilds…

That if you stop centering whiteness and the male gaze and start coming back to community, to the collective, to the thread…

That if you give yourself over to the Re-Indigenizing and Alchemical Androgyny of what you speak and what you create and how you breathe and how you move and who you remember yourself to be…

That you will die.

That there will be no more protection for you.

That you will be cast out and consumed and forgotten.

But, what if there was another way?

And what if you were no longer willing to swallow down the lie they tried to make of you?

How and what would you create?

What would your art and life and business evolve into?

How would you meet and excavate and experience yourself?

Who would you remember and become?

I know it’s been hard to commit and stay committed.

I know it’s felt impossible to be prolific, when you were so exhausted you could barely show up to the magic at all.

While the world is burning and genocides and hatred and atrocities seem to reign.

But, I also know that YOU know…

You were made for this.

For a time such as this.

And that the outmoded ways of the oppressor were never going to be your ways.

They were never going to be able to hold you forever.

You were always going to remember yourself free.

And you’re ready.

To stay ready.

To stay all in.

But not through the force and hustle and no sleep till Brooklyn tactics.


That’s for them.

For the Soul Refugees like us?

It was always gonna be something different.

Something primal.

Something sacred and wild and free.

It was always devotion over discipline.

Frequency over force.

Eros over Empire.

It was always the yes-and.

Where life got to be ritual and ritual got be art.

And where you got to nectar drip your everything over the pages {and stages} of the world.

And so…

This Is Where You Remember Who The Fuck You Are… And Who You Are Not

I know you.

Mystic. Maverick. Soul Refugee. High Impact Creator. Alchemist. Wisdom Keeper. Wildling. One Who Walks The Spaces Between. Multidimensional Messenger. Abolitionist. Artist Of The Sacred Spiral. Thread Weaver. Storyteller. Medicine Kin Who Howls At The Moon {and for whom the moon howls back}

You were never going to allow yourself to have it all, if having it all meant being anything less than your everything.

The wisdom and sanctity of your holyfied soul would never stand for lasting success if it meant sacrificing who you are.

Because business, life, and art without liberation ain’t the hotness {and never were}.

And so, the monies and the muse and the message all became…

Hit or miss.

Here today and then gone for a decade.

You forgot who you were.


And then forgot some more.

Because deep down, you could and would never stand for a simulacrum of soul.

It was always soul or bust.

We didn’t come here to die with our music still inside of us.

We came here to wring out our entire souls.

Our magic.

Our medicine.

Our essence.

I know this.

You know this.

And now, it’s time to live this.

To lean into it.

To scent track it in the dark.

To remember how to breathe the Wilds underwater.

To merge with the liminal and instinctual knowing of that which we were always going to remember and become.

Because you did not come here to play or be played by anyone.

Not even yourself.

And so.

Here you are.


You are.

At the crossroads, perhaps.

Of what it was and what it’s begging you to let it be.

And you have a choice in this moment.

To be revealed.

To bare your body, breath, blood, and bones to the world.

And, more importantly, to yourself.

To lay it all on the line.

Where the all is you and the line is you.

And the baring is, of course of course, also… you.

And would you lookey here.

I’ve got just the thing to walk you into the underworld and help you meet yourself there.


Mystic Eros:
The Lab

The Primordial Medicine Up In Here

The way we show up to the Wilds is the way the Wilds show up to us.

And so, when we are desiring {and ready} to go rawer, wilder, and deeper into the medicine of soul, we must cultivate the practice of that medicine.

The practice of practicing itself.

Where our days and our nights and everything in between become sacred fuel for the pyre upon which we burn the false self, the doubt, the uncertainty…

Upon which we ourselves die to soul so that we might become the erotic and embodied evocation of the magic as us.

Again and again.

And twice on Sunday.

In a way that nourishes us.

In a way that is regenerative and holy and repussified and alive.

In a way that meets us… truly, madly, deeply… in our own limitlessness and untaming.

Now, I’ve mentored and coached and taught with daily transmissions before.

It just never felt quite… there.

But, I opened. I prayed. I said yes.

And I was shown.

What wasn’t working.

And what wanted to reborn anew.

And so here we are.

In The Lab.

A place where the daily practicing is the inquiry is the evolution is the way.

Come on in.

The water’s fiiiiiiine.

This is liberatory praxis… & practice.

Where you will cultivate a body, nervous system, and creative process that are able to alchemize and transmute any emotions, energy, and circumstances that come your way…

And reawaken a life, business, and body of work that completely turn on your soul.

So that you say yes.

And so that you KEEP saying yes.

Inside of a community that sees you… that feels you…

A place where you finally allow yourself to be truly known.

Because why continue trying to unleash and integrate this medicine alone?

Areas Of Transmutation may include:

Being intoxicating… devotional ecstasy… nervous system regulation… Alchemical Androgyny… limitlessness… sexual energy transmutation… {re}wilding ecologies and liberation… Subtle Body Energetics… systemic racialized, genderized, and sexualized trauma healing… ontological remembrance… writing as ritual… the primal as cosmology… allowing ease… art as abolitionism… pleasure portals… shadow worlds… edge walking… kin medicine… communion… nature… archetypal identities… messaging from soul… copywriting as consciousness… economies of movement and breath… and so much more.

Please Note:

➤ Call times and publishing dates are subject to change.

➤ You will have access to the magic inside The Lab for as long as you remain an active member.

What's Inside


The Field

What's alive…

I’ll be dropping *daily audio transmissions and activations around all things business, impact, eros, identity, energetics, art, and the medicine of soul. Because until we ritualize the craft, we don’t stay all in on the craft.

This is a deep soul immersion into the magic and medicine that drip between your thighs… A cosmic sidewinding betwixt and between the layers of the mystery and the form where you will awaken and reveal yourself back unto your everything. On the daily.

And, of course of course, this is a decolonizing activation of the energetic and the physical in the instantaneous now.

Let's Get This Shit
The Portal

Each month, we will gather for a live event + Q&A where we might dive into the following:

Decolonized Business & Impact Energetics, somatic storytelling, multidimensional messaging, A3 {Ancestral Weaving, Afrofuturism, & The Afrocene}, belonging, homecoming, soul strategy, polarities, high performance, flow state, anti-oppression and liberatory creation, and more.

As I’ll be sharing *daily transmissions and activations inside The Field, the majority of time on our monthly calls will be for you to ask about and share what’s alive for you.

Together, we will excavate all the medicine and mayhem present in the collective and the soul.

If you can’t make it to our live sessions, no worries. You can also {and are encouraged to!!} ask questions inside our community spaces. Sometimes I’ll respond to individual posts, and other times I’ll respond to a few questions from that week at once. And while there is no guarantee that I will be able to respond to all posts, you will also have the support and communion with one another to continue your deepening and inquiries.

Let's Get This Shit



The Communities

The Labyrinth & The Kin:Ship

01- The Labyrinth // This is our private all-members community space, where the shenanigans, musings, insights, and activations go down on the daily.

This is also where you get ongoing access to me for all your questions around creative expression, impact, the magic, healing, business, identity, consciousness, intimacy, somatics, messaging, pleasure, intoxication, liberatory leadership, the Wilds, and so much more.

02- The Kin:Ship // We will also have an additional private community space just for Melanated Kin {Black, Indigenous, women/femmes/non-binary kin of color} members. This is for us to dive into witnessing and exploration around the magic, in space with melanated bodies.

This is primordial communion for you to be deeply seen and known, as we gather together beneath, betwixt, and between.

{The Kin:Ship will open mid 2025, once The Lab really gets going.}

Let's Get This Shit

{*While I intend to drop fire AF audio transmissions on the daily inside The Field, there will of course be the occasional times when I am unable. I trust and invite that you will be able to hold yourself during those times and continue exploring the eros and medicine within The Lab as you are called.}

Your Alchemical Bonuses

The Studio

You will receive full access to my Wild Nectar™ Studio.

The WNS includes an ever expanding library of WN practices, initiations, liberation, consciousness, Body Based Inquiry, somatics, erotic energetics, spirituality, movement, rituals, breathwork, ceremonies, and meditations.

New transmissions will be added throughout the year, some live and some prerecorded.

Let's Get This Shit



The Vault

The Vault Of Mystery & Mayhem

Your membership includes access to an archival library of some of my favorite programs, intensives, and studio sessions.

Let's Get This Shit
The Mystic Moola

You will also receive special member pricing and discounts on most group programs, immersions, and studio sessions… as well as first dibs on rare private client opportunities.

Let's Get This Shit


We Should Note:

As with all of my work, The Lab is offered through a {re}indigenizing, {re}matriating, antiracist, decolonizing, and {re}pussifying lens. This invites us into a new ancient way of expansion and growth that is NOT dependent on extracting resources and magic from anyone, most especially oppressed and marginalized people groups.

Pussy/Oracle is one of the primary portals through which we will be excavating and embodying consciousness. This is our tuning fork and our salve.

And while The Lab is gender expansive and fluid and open to women, femmes, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming kin… if you are not living into the energy of pussy/oracle, this will likely not be something you enjoy. {Please reach out if you are curious or unsure.}

We are excavating through liberatory practice here, opening ourselves into the next evolution of our souls that has already come THROUGH…

And we are now simply allowing and choosing it in physical form.

Who This Is For {And Who It Is Not…}

As with all of my work, The Lab is not for the faint of heart.

And while The Lab is open to both Melanated Kin and white co-conspirators of the revolution at hand, we must note that it is absolutely not {and under no circumstances} a place to be held in anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, white fragility, homophobia, transphobia, or any other oppressive construct as a way of being.

There are spaces for witnessing those aspects of your journey, this is simply not one of them.

You need to be far enough along on your own path, that you are able to recognize and take responsibility for healing your own biases {and where things might get sticky if you are called in around them}.

This community is also, however, a place to soften.

Into the truth of yourself.

Into your own courage and conviction and freedom.

This is a cultivation of peace, but only through and within the practice of liberation.

A place where you will be challenged, reawakened, laid bare, and remembered.

It is not a place to dip your toes into the Wilds.

It is a place where you remember yourself as the Wilds… and the Wilds as you.

This is a vortex of primal provocation and erotic initiation.

And, if you are so called, this might just be where you merge the mystery with the alchemical unfolding and embodiment of your greatest body of work {and life} evahhhhhh.

{Re}Wild Your Magic & Untame Your Entire Refugee Soul

We feel the urgency of the world.

The pain and suffering and oppression.

And it can all feel stifling.

It can feel as though it’s never the right time to say the things.

To show up fully and wholly and erotically as our everything.

But, what if we are not being to called to show up in spite of what’s happening around us, but, rather, because of it?

What if the magic born to us truly is medicine for the times?

The Lab is an invitation into that inquiry…

And the place to be nourished and catalyzed into what you find in the fault lines and the depths.

A Reminder Of What You'll Receive

01- The Field

Potent AF members only invocations that drop on the *daily and open the devotional portal for the fullest evocation, embodied expression, and devotion of your soul.

02- The Portal

Each month, we will gather together in the magic and the madness, with an abundance of time for your questions and deepenings.

03- Communities

The Labyrinth and The Kin:Ship are our private members only community spaces for ongoing convos {with me and with each other}, support, feedback, soul guidance, and connection. This is legit where to hang out with me and get the raw, sacred, behind-the-scenes energetics and access to all things soul on an ongoing basis. {The Kin:Ship will open mid 2025, once The Lab really gets going.}

04- The Studio

You will receive full access to my creative + breathwork + movement Wild Nectar™ Studio. The WNS includes an ever expanding library of WN practices, initiations, liberation, consciousness, Body Based Inquiry, somatics, erotic energetics, spirituality, movement, rituals, breathwork, ceremonies, and meditations. New transmissions will be added throughout the year, some live and some prerecorded. (BONUS)

05- The Vault

Your membership includes access to an archival library of some of my favorite programs, intensives, and studio sessions. (BONUS)

06- The Mystic Moola

Throughout our time together, you will also receive special member pricing and discounts on most group offerings… as well as first dibs on rare private client opportunities. (BONUS)

Our Experience...

Each month will be different, and we will move as the Wilds howl us into their depths.

We will have a calendar with upcoming events announced at least a few days in advance, but the borderlands of each month and all they attempt to contain will shape shift as the medicine calls.

So, please note: If you’re looking for a hypermasculine community filled with “do this or else” style tactics… that is structured to its last breath… you will not enjoy this space.

This is beyond the binary of masc/femme.

This is an initiation into the primality of soul.

An androgynous alchemy of mystery and eros and the dark.

Walking all edges.

Merging all edges.

As we fall {and leap} into the void once more.

{*While I intend to drop fire AF audio transmissions on the daily inside The Field, there will of course be the occasional times when I am unable. I trust and invite that you will be able to hold yourself during those times and continue exploring the eros and medicine within The Lab as you are called.}


You will have access to the above magic for as long as you are an active member inside Mystic Eros: The Lab.

If you are unable to attend any session live or miss some daily transmissions in The Field etc, our sessions and events will be recorded and made available on demand, so that you can drop in with them as often as desired, at your convenience.

The Field will live inside our private community space {hosted inside Mighty Networks} and our live event recordings and bonuses will be housed inside our private membership site.

Live calls will take place inside our community and on Zoom.

The Lab is a "Choose Your Own Adventure" experience and each month will speak and howl to you in its own way. As such, you are invited to drop in, play, and explore however you are called.

This is not a space of accountability, rather, it is an invitation into intrinsic {response}ability to the madness and magic and mystery of the Most High as you.

As always, the flow and medicine within this space are guided by Spirit and the Wilds and are subject to change accordingly.

This just might be where you finally, wholly, erotically... belong.

So, if you’re one of us…

Mystic Eros: The Lab

Join The Lab


The monthly plan automatically renews every month.

Fuck Yes, I'm in!

Because it's time to {re}wild your everything. 🪶🪩🍯

Refunds & Cancellation Terms: I offer deep, connected soul work. As such, I do not provide refunds in any of my programs or services. By enrolling, you understand there are no refunds on this offer and that you are responsible for your full purchase, including all payments.

Cancel at any time by submitting a (super easy!) cancellation request 10 days before your next billing date.

Questions? Please DM me here or email us at support {at}

About Your Guide

Nikka Karli

Provocateur Of The Primal & The Wilds

Medicine Walker | Erotic Muse | Soul Alchemist | Storyteller | Mystery Broker | Sex Mystic | Body Poet | Yoga Teacher | Abolitionist

I’ve spent the last two + decades using sports psychology, movement, breathwork, sexual energy medicine, storytelling, and creative expression to guide powerhouse athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and executives into the reclamation of the Sovereign Wilds within their own bodies.

My work evokes and provokes the somatic decolonization of systemic racialized and sexualized trauma in the bodies of Melanated Kin/BIWOC creators {and white co-conspirators of the antiracism revolution at hand}.

And one thing I know today is this: We alone hold the keys to our freedom… and when we shake off the shackles around the immutable mystery we hold inside, we unlock our creativity and unleash our capacity for impact in the world.

I lead {re}wilding quests, ceremonies, and intensives {both online and in other potent “between spaces”} for Creators, Messengers, and Wisdom Keepers who have received the Call to further initiate their own innate power and expression.

You can find me living and creating at the crossroads of Erotic Abolitionism™ {my medicine and body of work}, archetypal storytelling, sensual body movement, liberatory praxis and practice, systemic racialized and sexualized trauma healing, multidimensional creation, decolonized energetics, and elemental remembrance.

I am a student of perennial creativity, indigenous wisdom, and the primal untaming of our own lives… and I am obsessed with how we can interweave our belonging, sexual energy, and art to activate the liberation and change we are here to midwife into the world.


Head here to view our main FAQs and responses.

Legal Shizz

By enrolling in this program, I affirm that I have read and agree to the Nikka Karli | Karli LLC terms and conditions and to the following statement:

I authorize Nikka Karli | Karli LLC to charge me for the total order on the following checkout page. I further affirm that the name and personal information I provide on the form are true and correct. I further affirm that I have read, understand, and accept Nikka Karli | Karli LLC’s business terms as published on their website. By pressing the Submit Payment button on the checkout page, I agree to pay Nikka Karli | Karli LLC.

I further acknowledge that I understand all purchases made with Nikka Karli | Karli LLC are non refundable and that I agree to complete all financial installment payments to Nikka Karli | Karli LLC, should I choose the payment plan option.

This program is not medical, psychological, financial, legal, or religious advice {nor is it a substitute for such} and will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment. If you should experience any such issues, you agree to seek the advice and examination of your registered physician or practitioner as determined by your own judgment. Nikka Karli | Karli LLC shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is,” and without warranties.

As always...
Here's to your untaming,



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