🪶 The Breath As Medicine Bundle Is Open For Pre-Sale!! 🪶

I’m taking a bit of a break from live offerings. Not forever, just for a while. So, this will likely be the only way to drop into the magic with me live for a month or so. Maybe more. There is a deep calling to go to ground, to re-root in the bones of soul.

Published in


January 5, 2023


Nikka Karli

🪶 The Breath As Medicine Bundle Is Open For Pre-Sale!! 🪶

I’m taking a bit of a break from live offerings.

Not forever, just for a while.

So, this will likely be the only way to drop into the magic with me live for a month or so.

Maybe more.

There is a deep calling to go to ground, to re-root in the bones of soul.

But, even within this howling, I am also called to welcome you into this initiation with me.

Because this is a communion on not only a self level, but a collective one as well.

So, we will be excavating some Deep Wilds next week, inside of my brand new offering:


Breath As Medicine

A Breathwork Bundle For Decolonizing & Awakening The Primordial Depths Of Your Magic, Body, & Soul


Next Wednesday, we’ll be moving through a live breathwork practice called {Re}Pussifying The Erotic Bones…

A transmission that will drop you into some of the most primal, erotic remembrance you have {potentially} ever said yes to.

{All the other practices are already inside our private members area for you to drop into immediately upon enrolling.}

Fair warning:

This is not a happy-go-lucky type of practice.


This is a liberatory abolition of every pattern and code still living in your body… taking up space… holding your breath as hostage.

This is a decolonized activation within the mire and the muck, for the times when all seems lost and the only thing left to be found is you.

If you come, come prepared to feel.

To be.

To traverse the ley lines of hallowed mystery that run and drip between your thighs.


Prepared to un-become.

If you are one of us…

If this is your portal…

Join us at the super dope pre-sale price here.

I love you.


As always…

Here’s to your untaming,




I tell you that I love you on a fairly regular basis.

Probably more than most, I don’t know.

It’s something I had a hard time with during my phases of being more non-verbal.

It’s also something I have really chosen to lean into and speak into existence with the people who matter most to me.

{Which, of course, includes you.}

And part of my soul’s calling on this planet is to stand for belonging and home.

So that everyone I am around has at least one reminder that you are not now, nor have you ever been, alone.

You are Love itself being made manifest in the form of you.

You are LOVE.

And I love you.



Your neurodiversity and every other thing you thought you had to diminish or “fix” in order to get by as a human gets to become a part of your magic and genius.

What are you avoiding or limiting because you think it can’t fit into your business and art?

That, my Love, is likely the key to everything.

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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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