{Please Read} The Next Evolution Of Our Magic And Co-Creation

This one is important. Which feels strange to say, because everything from soul is important. So, perhaps we should say: This is important in regards to how you and I might continue to explore these Wilds together {or not}.

Published in


February 7, 2023


Nikka Karli

{Please Read} The Next Evolution Of Our Magic And Co-Creation

This one is important.

Which feels strange to say, because everything from soul is important.

So, perhaps we should say:

This is important in regards to how you and I might continue to explore these Wilds together {or not}.

This is also an invitation for you to use this as an exploration into what you already know beyond knowing that YOU are being called to step into around your soul’s medicine, but haven’t yet said yes to because… {insert all the things}.

So, as I’ve mentioned before, my work is moving even more towards centering Melanated Kin (Black, Indigenous, and/or Women/Femmes/Nonbinary Kin of Color/Culture).

{Thank you to Resmaa Menakem for the magic of color and culture.}

But the “how” of it all was eluding me.

Or, rather, I was eluding it.

But I’ve been sitting in the cave and the void.

The darkness and the whispers.

The knowing.

And it landed within me.

Or I landed in it.

A simultaneous cosmic merging and coming undone, while falling and dancing through a haze of all space and time as me.

While I remembered, once again, who the fuck I Am.

And I ALLOWED the magic to simply be the damn magic and myself to be the totality of that which it was always going to be about for me.

And in the freefall, a line was drawn in the primordial sand.

A line that invokes and evokes me beyond the veil of all the ways I have been messaging {or not}… running my business {or not}… living {or not}.

And within this, I have come to a decision point.

Which is where you come in.

The majority of my free and paid content/offerings will now be focused on the Melanated Kin experience.

Which means, if you are one of us {aka: Melanated Kin}, you will need to let me know so that you’ll continue receiving the deepest musings and initiations I have EVER written, filmed, and created.

If you’re finding this straight from my emails, you can click here and you will automatically receive a Melanated Kin tag.

If you are reading this elsewhere on the interwebs {my blog, IG, my Nīk Nation community, etc}, you will need to opt in here to be tagged {choose the Melanated Kin button}.

By subscribing for my Melanated Kin musings and enrolling in any Melanated Kin offerings, you are confirming that you are, in fact, a Black, Indigenous, and/or Woman/Femme/Nonbinary Kin of Color/Culture.

This is an invitation for you to raise your hand and let me know you are with me for this ride.

It also lets me know, obviously, who my Melanated Kin are, which allows us to go into some seriously dope soul shit together moving forward.

And for my white co-conspirators of the revolution at hand:

If you are already on my email list, you don’t have to do anything.

You will remain on my Open Access list and I’ll be emailing and sending musings to you once or twice a month {most likely… this is magic in motion, so we will see what we will see}.

If you are reading this elsewhere, you can sign up to go deeper into my open musings and offerings here {choose the Open Access button}.

And now, for social media…

Like many of you, I have had a complicated situationship with the socials. 🤣

I’ve had times of posting allllll the time.

And times of disappearing for weeks at a time.

But I am here for the Wilds, the simplicity, the flow, the ease.

And am no longer willing to fight myself on something as fleeting and algorithmic as social media platforms that intentionally censor and suppress the voices of Melanated and marginalized peoples, while also plundering and extracting our magic for their own gain.

Now, I am not getting off social media.

The opposite actually.

But what’s shifting is my INTENTIONALITY and the ways I will be using social media as a tool for MY magic, rather than the other way around.

My long form content will no longer be shared on IG, FB, etc.

Again, at least from what I can “see” right now.

This is a fluid and fertile imagining of soul and it will be what it will be, baby.

So, if you want to come on this archeological excavation of the mystery and madness of the oracle that drips between your thighs and onto the pages of the world…

You will need to be on my email list and inside Nīk Nation.

Because shit is about to get realer than real and I want you with me.

But only if you are ready for the depths.

Only if you are ready for the Erotic Abolitionism™ magic that is about to be dropped on that gorgeous ass.

This is liberatory praxis and practice as a way of Being.

This is consciousness with a {re}wilding chaser.

And if you are one of us…

Join us here.

More to come.

But for now:

What do you know it’s time to become the yes to?

And why would you not already have surrendered to this?

And what might become possible through, for, and as you if you became the embodied yes anyway?

Let me know what comes through for you.

And if this is where we part ways, please know it’s been pure fucking magic.

I love you.

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,



I have two dope af Melanated Kin offerings coming this month:

Thing 1- {Re}Wilding The Melanated Soul

This is a free 1-day workshop going down on 2/18 that will set the stage for the magic and the deep.

Thing 2- The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience

This is… everything.

The culmination of my entire life’s medicine and body of work.

This is… fuck me, I don’t even have the words for the freedom this membership will invite and invoke.

The doors will open for 100 Founding Members on 2/22.

And then for all members on 3/1.

This is the thing I always wanted.

The PLACE and COMMUNITY and ACTIVATION I always wanted.

And I finally got tired of waiting for it and acknowledged that I am the One to create it.

Invitations for both RTMS and the EAE are coming soon.

Watch this space.


I’ll continue emailing everything to this list {which will become the Open Access list} and posting my longer form musings on the socials through this weekend.

Just to give everyone who wants to opt into the Melanated Kin list time to do so.

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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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