Welcome to…

The Inner Sanctum

A Private Client Muse Medicine Initiation With Nikka Karli

Let’s Get Right To It, Shall We?

This is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for anyone who is not absolutely, positively FOR the Wilds.

Cool? Cool.


This is where you get me in all my neurodiverse + primal + instinctual + abolitionist magic, going all in on who the fuck you KNOW you are…

But aren’t fully living into and creating as, just yet.

This is not one of my ooey gooey offers.

Loooove me some of those. This is simply not that.

This is dark and erotic and primordial and deep.

We go IN on the business and shape of you.

This is straight identity {re}wilding, distillation, and bespoke clarity around the next evolution of the medicine of your Refugee Soul.

No chaser.

Let's Get This Shit
Results May Vary {But Might Include}:

➳ Becoming fully grounded in your identity and what makes you YOU

➳ No longer creating shit just to conform or be successful {because what kind of success requires you to be anything less than the totality of who you damn well know that you are?!}

➳ Finally saying the things that need to be said

➳ Creating out loud {and not just behind closed doors, where no one ever sees your TRUEST body of work}

➳ Bone deep certainty and owning the fuck out of the magic and mayhem born between your thighs

Let's Get This Shit

What It Is, Baby:

You might think of this as being akin to a no-holds-barred medicine initiation, with your body as the oracle and pussy as the tuning fork.

A 3-month portal through which we will distill the bottlenecks in your creative process and activate your exact plan of embodied implementation of the magic and the Wilds {and infuse it into your message and business immediately}.


This is you taking a stand for the {re}pussified decolonization and unapologetic evocation of the business, magic, revolution, medicine, madness, and identity of your ENTIRE soul.

This is creative direction from the fucking depths and the void.

This is the mystery being made manifest in primordial time.

And this is you doubling down on what you know that you know that you KNOW is yours.

Let's Get This Shit
This Is NOT For You If:

➳ You project your shit onto other people {including your mentors/guides} and expect them to “solve” your shit for you

➳ You are not willing to take radical ownership of who you are

➳ You are experiencing active or reactivated trauma

➳ You don’t feel your nervous system is in a place where you can go raw and deep right the fuck now

➳ You have no idea what you want to work on and get clarity around {no shade, just not a fit for this particular offer}

Let's Get This Shit

Our Primordial Portals:

Portal 01- Heal & Transmute
(Uncovering and integrating deep wounding, systemic trauma, and encodings)

Portal 02- Unlock & Evoke
(Liberating your medicine, embodied activation, full creative expression, voice, message, clarity, devotion, and practice)

Portal 03- Merge & Become
(Upgrading identity, limitlessness, timelessness, consciousness, and flow state)

Let's Get This Shit
And If This Is Your Time…

No prep is necessary, other than having the space and presence to go deep.

Come prepared to move, shake, take notes, and whatever else you desire/need to be all the way IN this… with me and, even more importantly, with yourself.

Spots are crazy limited.

I like my private client work rare and intimate and this is no exception.

Let's Get This Shit

The Initiation Deets

01- Unlimited Private Mentoring

This is truly the most potent + ongoing transmutation medicine being poured in, as, and through you. You will experience Ancient Activations and deep soul guidance via asynchronous audio messaging (using Telegram) and have Behind Closed Doors access to me for all your inquiries, uplevels, and breakthroughs each week we are together.

(I respond Monday-Friday, but you can also send messages over the weekend.)

This is where you are emboldened to take the action, say what you can’t not say, evoke the madness, come (and cummmmmm) fully alive, stay all in on your everything, and remember who the fuck you are.

02- 1 x 1:1 Medicine Walking Session

We will have one 50-minute session together (via Zoom) to explore and excavate whatever is most alive for you at that time. We will interweave and catalyze the Wilds as you… utilizing Body Based Inquiry, movement, breathwork, Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts, energetics, eros, and integration. This is about deep and continuous transformation in all the areas that matter most for you.

03- The Sanctum Transmissions

Each month, I will share embodied audio transmissions of whatever is alive in the field. You will have access to these sessions for as long as you are an active private client.

04- Bespoke Access

You will also receive additional sessions, practices, ceremonies, etc I feel will support you for where you are each month of our time together.

05- Erotic Abolitionism™: Foundations

In addition to the transmissions above, you will also receive Bonus Access to my Erotic Abolitionism™: Foundations course to help you with the daily practice of upgrading your consciousness and liberation.

Our Experience...

The Inner Sanctum is a private 3-month initiation where we will identify the wounds, encodings, and systemic trauma shadows that have been showing up as habituated patterns and beliefs in your body, business, art, impact, relationships, God Consciousness, and more.

We will dive into the instinctual Spirit Medicine woven into your body, breath, blood, and bones, as you begin to release the weight of who you’ve been (and who you haven’t) and expand into the next evolution of magic blazing its way across your soul.

You will cultivate daily personal practices and rituals to support the upgrading of your nervous system and capacity for creative expression, as you embody your own limitlessness and merge with the you who already has (and remembers) it all.

You will take the action, choose yourself, and say what the fuck needs to be said.

This is liberatory praxis as initiation, for The Ones Who Once Were Wild… and will be again.

We Should Note:

As with all of my work, The Inner Sanctum is offered through a decolonized, {re}indigenizing, antiracist, and {re}pussified lens. This invites us into a new ancient way of expansion and growth that is NOT dependent on extracting resources and magic from anyone, most especially oppressed and marginalized people groups.

Pussy/Oracle is one of the primary portals through which we will be excavating and embodying consciousness. This is our tuning fork and our salve.

So if you are not living into the energy and power of pussy, this will likely not be something you enjoy.

We are excavating through liberatory practice here, opening ourselves into the next evolution of our souls that has already come THROUGH…

And we are now simply allowing and choosing it in physical form.

If you're ready to stay ready, let's begin.

Because it's time for your next level soul shit… now.

DM me on IG and let me know why you, why me, why this, and why now.

I’ll message you back and if it's a fit, I'll send you the link to enroll so we can {re}wild the fuck out of your body, magic, eros, and soul.

If you'd like to read more about working with me, you can do so here and here. And Melanated Kin peeps can also read more about Melanated Kin Mentoring here.

Let's Begin

Refunds & Cancellation Terms: I offer deep, connected soul work. As such, I do not provide refunds in any of my programs or services. By enrolling, you understand there are no refunds on this offer and that you are responsible for your full purchase, including all payments.

Questions? Please email us at support {at} nikkakarli.com.

About Your Guide

Nikka Karli

Provocateur Of The Primal & The Wilds

Medicine Walker | Erotic Muse | Soul Alchemist | Storyteller | Mystery Broker | Sex Mystic | Body Poet | Yoga Teacher | Abolitionist

I’ve spent the last two + decades using sports psychology, movement, breathwork, sexual energy medicine, storytelling, and creative expression to guide powerhouse athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and executives into the reclamation of the Sovereign Wilds within their own bodies.

My work evokes and provokes the somatic decolonization of systemic racialized and sexualized trauma in the bodies of Melanated Kin/BIWOC creators {and white co-conspirators of the antiracism revolution at hand}.

And one thing I know today is this: We alone hold the keys to our freedom… and when we shake off the shackles around the immutable mystery we hold inside, we unlock our creativity and unleash our capacity for impact in the world.

I lead {re}wilding quests, ceremonies, and intensives {both online and in other potent “between spaces”} for Creators, Messengers, and Wisdom Keepers who have received the Call to further initiate their own innate power and expression.

You can find me living and creating at the crossroads of Erotic Abolitionism™ {my medicine and body of work}, archetypal storytelling, sensual body movement, liberatory praxis and practice, systemic racialized and sexualized trauma healing, multidimensional creation, decolonized energetics, and elemental remembrance.

I am a student of perennial creativity, indigenous wisdom, and the primal untaming of our own lives… and I am obsessed with how we can interweave our belonging, sexual energy, and art to activate the liberation and change we are here to midwife into the world.


Head here to view our main FAQs and responses.

Legal Shizz

By enrolling in this program, I affirm that I have read and agree to the Nikka Karli | Karli LLC terms and conditions and to the following statement:

I authorize Nikka Karli | Karli LLC to charge me for the total order on the following checkout page. I further affirm that the name and personal information I provide on the form are true and correct. I further affirm that I have read, understand, and accept Nikka Karli | Karli LLC’s business terms as published on their website. By pressing the Submit Payment button on the checkout page, I agree to pay Nikka Karli | Karli LLC.

I further acknowledge that I understand all purchases made with Nikka Karli | Karli LLC are non refundable and that I agree to complete all financial installment payments to Nikka Karli | Karli LLC, should I choose the payment plan option.

This program is not medical, psychological, financial, legal, or religious advice {nor is it a substitute for such} and will not treat or diagnose any disease, illness, or ailment. If you should experience any such issues, you agree to seek the advice and examination of your registered physician or practitioner as determined by your own judgment. Nikka Karli | Karli LLC shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is,” and without warranties.

As always...
Here's to your untaming,



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