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Scale Your Impact

{SYI} Thieves in the temple (Part 2 of 2)

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you might desire to drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

Wild One,

Yesterday, we talked about four powerful Master Thieves that like to raid our Temple {Guilt, Doubt, Fear, & Shame}.

I’ll add one more Master Thief into the mix today:


Now, while the other Master Thieves tend to cause constriction and stagnation in our bodies, this last little sucker can very often do just the opposite.

Meaning, when we begin to experience disgust in our bodies, we have a natural tendency to want to move.

A primordial need to move that energy, get it out, and do something, anything… other than stay in the sensation of disgust.

Now, this isn’t a guaranteed bodily response of course. Some people have a patterned behavior to actually enjoy being in disgust.

But for the most part, it’s an emotional space that we want to figure out and exit as soon as possible.

And why does that help us here?

Because all of these Master Thieves have one thing in common:

They are triggers.

And triggers are our greatest teachers, right?

So when the powerhouse Master Thieves, like disgust, show up in our bodies, it means it’s time for us to look at our life…

And transmute our current state of being into an Ecology of Thriving and Erotic Remembrance.

Now, the more we are able to drop into our Ancient Goddess Archetypes and embody our most Primal Self… the more the bandwidth we create within our nervous system and consciousness.

Which then allows us to actually sustain the turn on, intimacy, creative expression, freedom, impact, love, and belonging we desire at our core level.

Now, I have a dope AF way for us to drop into this work together inside of my erotically penetrating body of work, but I promise you… this is not for the faint of heart.

But if you are willing to become the embodied commitment to the deep work and magic of your soul, then I invite you to begin here.

The world is saturated with burnt-out Creators, who have no capacity left over for the people and projects that matter most.

It’s time to build the bridge between our daily lives, our most Orgasmic Expression, and the work of our souls.

Regardless of the impact you’ve created up to this point, you are now at a Between Space.

Where you get to choose how deeply you will drop into the liberation of your body and your womxnhood…

Or go back to living, loving, and leading from the “head up”.

So take the red pill…

And let’s see just how deep this rabbit hole goes.

As always...

Here’s to your untaming,

Nikka “This Temple is Clear” Karli


Still not quite sure if you’re ready to work together?

DM me and ask me any questions you might have.


From Jen Jones about working with me in ongoing body-based excavation:

"This has been the biggest game changer in my creative work and my sensuality. I didn’t think it was possible to have massive quantum leaps in both areas at the same time, without adding on even more to my ridiculously packed schedule.

Because Nikka holds these delicate areas with such presence and wisdom, I’m able to actually show up and keep showing up in my own life. Our work together has allowed me to cultivate the bandwidth I need to do the things I love and that I know make the most meaningful difference in my connection with my body, my loved ones, and my business.

Stop whatever you’re doing and join her right now. Because make no mistake, this is the piece that shifts everything."