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Scale Your Impact

{SYI} The Missing Link Between Your Yoni & Your Creativity

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you might desire to drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

Wild One,

Mercedes is a sensual badass goddess who recently took one of my Wild Nectar™ Pussy Practices in Palm Springs.

She messaged me with a "testimonial" about some of the things she experienced from our time together.

Here's the DM she sent me:

Do you remember me mentioning a few days ago, about how your inhibitions and your Turn On cannot coexist in the same ecosystem {your body}?

And do you see how Mercedes was able to let go of the ways she was holding herself back by connecting to her deep body core?

"Which makes me feel at home in who I am meant to be- my true nature."

Drop into that and really swirl it around in your own body.

Can you see how that is such a different way of showing up to the Work at hand?

That instead of allowing our old stories and woundings to run the show, we can shift the entire narrative by reconnecting to the Wild center we hold inside...

And through that connection we get to awaken the Truth of who we came here to be.

When you get on stage {or when you're walking into the bedroom, staring into the eyes of your partner}, this is what helps you define a new Orgasmic Reality for yourself.

Which, consequently, defines a new Orgasmic Reality for your audience {and lover}.

Now, you might be wondering about how you can reestablish this connection when your yoni and creativity and bedroom play seem to have... short-circuitedsomewhere along the way.

The key is cultivating an understanding of where you ARE in your body now... and where you NEED TO BE in order to have the pleasure, impact, mastery, and freedom you desire on a soul level.

And remember...

This is always- ALWAYS- going to come down to your Turn On.

So if your Orgasmic Reality {basically, the capacity you have in your body for your Turn On} is not "up to snuff", so to speak...

It's time to take a deeper look as to why you've accepted this as your reality in the here and now.

It most likely served you well at one point... Kept you safe... Helped you really heal.

But if it's not where you desire to be NOW, then it's an outdated reality that is suffocating your yoni and your Truth.

And yes, I know this shit is hard work.

It is not for the faint of heart.

But if you are such a soul who IS in fact ready to create a new Orgasmic Reality for yourself {and your audience}...

Join the revolution here.

Your yoni {and creativity} will do backflips to thank you.

As always...

Here's to your untaming,

Nikka "Yoni Whisperer" Karli


Get your antennae ready for tomorrow's email.

I've got this kinda crazy, definitely erotic way of generating something I KNOW you want more of on all levels.

No one else is doing it QUITE like this.

It has something to do with Butch and blueberry pie...