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Scale Your Impact

{SYI} Finale: It Opens At The Close

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you might desire to drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

How ya like them apples?

I can’t even tell you how honored I am that you showed up for yourself and chose to embark on this Wild journey with me.

I truly hope you have learned some magic to help you stand even more fully in your Primal Pussy Power… and take that presence everywhere you go.

And now the time has come to close this part of our temple.

My desire has been for this project to provide you with a different way of Seeing and Experiencing your own body, Genius, and expression.

…And for you to take that wisdom and transmute it into the way you live, love, lead, and create.

So that you can Scale YOUR Impact™ to some serious Next Level Goddess Shit.

I Do Have One Confession To Make

I previewed SYI with the most succulent group of creatives and entrepreneurs before unveiling it to the world.

…And based on the responses I’ve gotten, I truly believe this methodology will take you to the moon and back.

This is how I excavate the bones and {Re}Wild into the greatest pleasure, mastery, and freedom I’ve ever experienced.

It’s how I own the stages I walk on and intoxicate my audience with my energy and movement and art.

And… I do understand that this is not for everyone.

This is the Deep Work

It is not for the feint of heart, nor is it for anyone who wishes to continue bypassing their own responsibility and sovereignty as a Woman.

But for those of you who are willing to go deep enough to touch the bones, this was only foreplay for the real Orgasmic Waking Bliss stuff.

{If you can imagine, we get even more raw, Wild and free.}

Once you are exquisitely clear on what you stand for and why you are committed to being of global service right now, it’s time to Goddess the Fuck Up™ and go all in.

Remember, this project covered a high level striptease of what is available inside my other primordial offerings.

It’s vital to touch the bones, but if you want sustainable and meaningful impact at scale…

You have to know how to sing over the bones as well.

Like I said…

Most won’t step into that level.

They will be content to just read and watch and invest in education.

But there will be a few Wild Souls here who are ready to embody this Medicine now.

If You Are Such A Soul...

Le's get it.

As always...

Here’s to your Untaming,