A Tantric Identity Initiation Into The Wild Spaces Between… To Re-Encode Your Pussy, Consciousness, & Beliefs Into The Frequency Of Primal Wealth Sovereignty & Orgasmic Waking Bliss NOW {A 1-Day Workshop With Nikka Karli}

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Let’s just put 1st things 1st:

This shit is NOT about what you THINK it’s about.

Best believe.

This idea that there is some perfect tactic or solution for HOW you’re supposed to make money…

And, of course of course, who you think you have to BE in order to KEEP making that money…

Just… stop.

Stop everything and breathe.

Drop into your body and for all that is pussified and holy… BREATHE.

And then notice the result of all these shenanigans.

Notice the toll they’ve been taking on your sanity… and your capacity to create.

If you’ve been feeling confused…

If you’ve been feeling like you must be “missing” something that everyone else seems to understand…

If you know all your bullshit is, in fact, BULLSHIT… and yet you STILL don’t seem to be moving the damn needle forward on what matters most…

Well, this is your fucking wakeup call.

Or, more aptly, this is your invitation back into the primordial depths of your everloving SOUL.

As you remember and own your sovereign birthright of abundance…

And your ascension into even GREATER abundance.

Every day, ad finitum, amen.

But the problem?

You’ve been doing it again.

Running around town, thinking you need to figure yourself out… work on your mindset… get more clarity… adopt the right strategy for the right offer with the right platform and the right tools…

You keep telling yourself that if ONLY you could figure out these pieces… you’d be getting paid.

But it’s a lie.

One of the greatest lies ever told, in fact.

Because somewhere along the line, you encoded the belief {and the habits that REINFORCED the belief} that how much money you make is based upon what you DO for that money.

Read that again.

And what it’s going to take?

For you to finally stop dicking yourself around {and NOT in the erotically delicious way}?

It’s this:

An unapologetic and unwavering COMMITMENT to unleashing the message and madness born to your fucking soul.

Oh, and this {which, let’s get honest, is where most people give up}:

Your willingness and CAPACITY to take relentless and radical RESPONSIBILITY for who you say that you are.

But You Gotta Choose It

Look, there’s a part of you who already KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS that all this drama isn’t the real you…

All this running around, acting like you’ve got no home training…

All this forcing and begging and pleading for someone- ANYONE- to “show you the money”…

It’s all just DISTRACTING you from the matter at hand.

Instead of just making the CHOICE and fucking RELAXING into the abundance and wealth that is right HERE, waiting for you to just say yes.

And this part of you that is sick and tired of all these shenanigans?

It’s now waking you up in the middle of the night, DEMANDING that you pay attention and finally, for fuck’s sake, just DO THE DAMN THING.

And that thing? That you are being shaken, not stirred, to surrender into?

It’s the ancient, simple, primordial art…

Of being YOU.

So Back To 1st Things 1st

If you could once and for fucking all, just get out of your own way and ALLOW yourself to receive a shit ton of money from soul, just by being you…

Would you?

I know, I know, you’re like of COURSE I would, are you crazy?

But, are you?

Are you allowing yourself to receive your desired wealth, clients, audience, etc…

Just by BEING?

Or are you still attaching your end result to the specific ACTIONS you take?

Look, this is some next level goddess shit that I’m talking about here.

Something that took me years of studying with high level mentors, reading the dopest books, traveling to top events, going into deep ceremony, and more… just to BEGIN to understand.

And what I found that it’s all REALLY about?

The remembrance… or the forgetting.


We each have our lives set up to facilitate, reinforce, and deepen one of the above.

We are either continuously re-encoding the FORGETTING of who we are…

Or we are continuously re-encoding into our own REMEMBRANCE.

So really, when it comes down to it, this is about you ALLOWING yourself to be ALL of you…

And to make as much money as you desire, and are ALIGNED for, right the fuck NOW.

Most people teach you to try to get to the thing.

To try to do the inner work IN ORDER to get you to the external result.

But it’s just more bullshit.

You do the deep fucking work because it’s a part of who you ARE.

And you get the external results because you drop in, listen, set your goals, and ALIGN to them as a RESULT of who you ARE.

You might wanna read that one more time.

So, yes, together we go deep into the hallowed depths of remembrance and soul.

And yes, you will take epic and immediate ACTION on who you say that you are.

But the receiving of your desires?

It comes down to a choice:

Are those results {money, clients, abundance, love, etc} a part of who you are?

Or are they not?

If they are, then you choose to receive them.

And as you choose, you do the inner work around what I call The Gap.

This is the in-between space, from where you perceive YOURSELF to be in this moment vs where you perceive your DESIRES to be.

And then we go HAM on aligning your frequency {and body} to one that actualizes into those desires.

Without all the drama and the reinforced and habituated FORGETTING of who the fuck you ARE.

Which is where I come in.

This is the FIRST time I have taught all of this publicly.

Only some of my high level private clients have studied this with me before now.

So if you’ve been wanting some down n’ dirty, raw, unfiltered access to Yours Erotic, where you do the deep work of owning the fuck out of who you are and making a shit ton of money and impact from that truth…

This is your chance.

Oh. And this is the ONLY place you will find my teachings around The Goddess Wound™ + Sexual Alchemy + Soulmate Client Attraction + Money Medicine in a single day workshop format.

So What You’ve Gotta Ask Yourself Is This:

How much longer are you willing to PLAY YOURSELF and pretend you are anything less than who the fuck you KNOW you came here to be?

And how much longer will you keep DENYING and VILIFYING your desires, as something you shouldn’t want… as something you’re not ready for yet… as something that you don’t really “need” and so they can wait?

You get to stop the bullshit.

And you get to stop it right the fuck NOW.

And, in fact, you MUST.

If you have any hope of actualizing into the evolution of soul that will allow you to magnetize, receive, and HOLD the money and desires you KNOW you are meant for, on all layers and levels.

One More Thing.

This is going to take you into the underworld of who you THOUGHT you needed to be, so that you can REMEMBER who you actually ARE…

Which is how you not only MAKE a fuck ton of money from soul…

You become able to cultivate the ever-expanding capacity to HOLD that money in your body.


You will no longer make all the monies, only to get rid of it as soon as it hits your bank account…

Because you freak the fuck out energetically any time you have more than your currently established and habituated SET POINT for the amount of money that feels safe for you to HAVE ON HAND at any given moment.

Which means that, instead, you will finally be able to not only MAKE that money, honey…

You’ll be able to enjoy it and GROW it.

In full alignment with God, art, and soul.

So you can do what you came here to do, by BEING who you came here to be.

Know This: EMM Is About Liberation

Yours. Mine. And all Those we are here to serve.

So I’ll be interweaving antiracism, decolonization, and the Freedom Frequency into this workshop {and, really, into all I create and teach}.

Because the liberation of one means absolutely nothing without the liberation of all.

So if you are unable to work with a Black goddess who stands for that unapologetic decolonized liberation, do not join this workshop {or anything else I offer}.

Because I am ONLY here for the dope AF souls who stand for real liberation and sovereignty for ALL.

And if that sounds like your jam…

Then I just might be your erotic, money-evoking huckleberry.

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About Your Guide

Provocateur Of The Primal & The Wilds

Medicine Walker | Erotic Muse | Soul Alchemist | Storyteller | Mystery Broker | Sex Mystic | Body Poet | Yoga Teacher | Abolitionist

I’ve spent the last two + decades using sports psychology, movement, breathwork, sexual energy medicine, storytelling, and creative expression to guide powerhouse athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and executives into the reclamation of the Sovereign Wilds within their own bodies.

My work evokes and provokes the somatic decolonization of systemic racialized and sexualized trauma in the bodies of Melanated Kin/BIWOC creators {and white co-conspirators of the antiracism revolution at hand}.

And one thing I know today is this: We alone hold the keys to our freedom… and when we shake off the shackles around the immutable mystery we hold inside, we unlock our creativity and unleash our capacity for impact in the world.

I lead {re}wilding quests, ceremonies, and intensives {both online and in other potent “between spaces”} for Creators, Messengers, and Wisdom Keepers who have received the Call to further initiate their own innate power and expression.

You can find me living and creating at the crossroads of Erotic Abolitionism™ {my medicine and body of work}, archetypal storytelling, sensual body movement, liberatory praxis and practice, systemic racialized and sexualized trauma healing, multidimensional creation, decolonized energetics, and elemental remembrance.

I am a student of perennial creativity, indigenous wisdom, and the primal untaming of our own lives… and I am obsessed with how we can interweave our belonging, sexual energy, and art to activate the liberation and change we are here to midwife into the world.

The Primordial Magic Up In Here...

Our Portals Weave Through:

➳ Becoming Multidimensional & Intoxicating AF

➳ Magnetizing & Monetizing Your Madness

➳ Decolonizing The Quantum Flow Of Money & Soul

➳ Re-Encoding Your DNA To The Frequency Of Erotic Money

➳ Wealth Attraction From The Oracle That Lies Between Your Thighs

➳ {Re}Pussifying Your Money, Message, & Mission

➳ Distilling The Fuck Out Of Who You Say That You Are

➳ Becoming Unavailable For Anything Less Than The Primordial Pleasure & Power Of Soul

➳ De-Armoring The Lineage Of Financial Trauma In Your Body & Bank Account

➳ Your Aetheric Womb Consecration Into Cosmic Wealth Frequency

The Extras

➳ Private Nīk Nation membership site

➳ Lifetime access

➳ Unlimited access to future updates

The Bonuses

➳ Sex Magic For Collapsing Timelines & Shapeshifting Identity

➳ Worthiness & The Reckoning Of Soul

➳ Your Aetheric Womb Consecration Into Cosmic Wealth Frequency

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