Which is kind of the point… and also the rub.
{Life will undoubtedly show you otherwise.}
And then those same systems will have you believing you did something wrong when it doesn’t all happen “just like that”.
They’ll have you thinking you just didn’t work hard enough.
Or that you didn’t pull yourself up hard enough by your (not so secretly) colonized bootstraps.
And while, yes, there is a lifetime of God-born work involved and a foundation to be laid and continuously iterated upon for your creative world building…
There is an idea of working smarter, yes?
And that’s dope.
But, what happens when “smarter” meets systemic trauma and oppression that have been so deeply encoded, they’ve begun to look like your personality and the subconscious expression of your art?
Phew chiiiiiiile…
And when this happens, how then do we continue on our way, when the way has been wiped out entirely?
Do we even want to continue on a path that deepens the neurological grooves of our own domestication and creative repression?
And, if we do not…
How, then, do we make a way where there is no way?
I recorded us something for times such as these:
Let me know what comes through for you.
If it’s time for you to go exponentially deeper into the spaces between… where God meets magic and soul… join us now as an Early Adopter inside The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience.
This inaugural month’s medicine portal is…
This will be a massive excavation of all the habits, patterns, beliefs, and identity codes that have been running amok behind the scenes, masquerading as you.
Our first Source Initiation drops this week and our first live gathering together is going down over the Equinox.
If you know beyond knowing that this is your time to (finally and forever more) shake the shackles off the devotional medicine of your Refugee Soul, this is that invitation.
Learn more and secure your spot here.
As always…
Here’s to your untaming,
Here’s a lil’ something, something to whet your appetite for what’s to come (and cummmmmm) inside the EAE:
We will have a calendar with upcoming events, but the borderlands of each month (and all they attempt to contain) will shapeshift as the medicine calls.
So, please note: If you’re looking for a hypermasculine community filled with “do this or else” style tactics… that is structured to its last breath… you will not enjoy this space.
This is beyond the binary of masc/femme.
This is an initiation into the primality of soul.
An androgynous alchemy of mystery and eros and the dark.
Walking all edges.
Merging all edges.
As we fall {and leap} into the void once more.
So, you need to already be walking your path.
Not walking in regards to external metrics of “success”.
More so, you need to be in intimate relationship with the howling of soul.
Even if your external world doesn’t yet match the one you see inside.
And, you need to have at least begun working with your own internalized oppression, racism, homophobia, gender binaries, unmet childhood needs, traumas, etc etc etc.
Because these are {re}wilding grounds.
And we will be going fucking in.
So, if you're not yet walking your road, I invite you to first begin with Erotic Abolitionism™: Foundations, to help you get ready.
And then join us inside the EAE, where I help you stay ready.