Because it's time to take another look at who you are and what life gets to be for you...
And why you are here.
And why now is the time for you to go {and STAY} all in on all of you.
You KNOW this… but you’re still doubting your own truth because you haven’t figured out how to BELIEVE it just yet.
Who the hell said you had to believe everything you know and feel inside?
I mean, yeah, sure, the belief will COME.
It’s not a limiter on you saying yes to the evocation of your everything.
As if {as IF} you had to believe in something you don’t even fully understand in order to become the catalyst for its unfolding!
That’s just you trying to use your MIND to determine whether or not you get to have what God and soul have already shown you is yours.
An invitation beyond the crossroads of who we thought we would have to become in order to be that which we already are.
A portal-ing into a cosmic cauldron of Spirit and identity.
A place where, if we allow it, we are revealed back unto ourselves.
And, should we choose it, where we are also reminded of the utter hilarity of trying to use our human seeming to comprehend the Unchanging within the confines of temporal change.
You’ve asked and you’ve been shown.
Now, maybe you weren’t paying attention to the answer.
Maybe you didn’t LIKE or TRUST the answer.
{Maybe you didn’t trust YOURSELF to be able to HANDLE the answer.}
But, regardless, it has already been unveiled within you.
And now might just be the time to take another look.
What would you see, if you were searching with something beyond your conditioned sight?
And what would you become the embodied yes to in the instantaneous now, if who you’ve perceived yourself to be up to this point was no longer allowed to have any bearing on who you KNOW you actually are?
As always…
Here’s to your untaming,
And within it all…
I finished recording the sessions of Erotic Abolitionism™: Foundations!!
And… I have been shown the next evolution of it.
Not all the details, but, rather, the essence.
And, holy shitballs, Batman, is it goooooood.
And, I got WIGGLY when I heard this price come through.
Gahhhh, what?!!!!
I went into all the doubts and shoulds and encodings around business and selling and liberation and #allthethings.
But it is what I know it is.
And so I moved it in my body.
I dropped to my knees.
I swayed.
I prayed.
I leaned in.
And I said yes.
The course that keeps on GIVIIIIIING.
But, phew chile!
I didn’t know it was gonna be like this.
There’s so much more to be revealed, to me and to everyone who is enrolled.
But for now, I wanted to be sure you all had the opportunity to enroll at the initial pricing of $555.
Oh! And we’ll be dropping in live together next month for a whole new workshop around Erotic Abolitionism™ and embodying and integrating it into your life, business, impact, sex, art, and more.
And you most definitely wanna be there.
EAF is the bones of my body of work.
And this is your invitation into the sacred madness with me like never before.
If you enroll before the price increases, you’ll get to privately message me on Telegram with your most pressing question around the magic and soul and I’ll send you back a full-on bespoke transmission around what I am shown for YOU and your immediate and revolutionary yes to your everything.
So grab your spot post haste, gorgeous.
Erotic Abolitionism™: Foundations is open to both Melanated Kin and white co-conspirators of the revolution at hand.