This is a “test” (of the emergency broadcast system of soul)

Hint: This is not about a sale.

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January 11, 2024


Nikka Karli

This is a “test” (of the emergency broadcast system of soul)

You probably didn’t know I had a sale this week.

In fact, I’d be more surprised if you DID know, than you didn’t.

Because I was sort of running a test of the emergency broadcast system of soul.


I have been feeling the howling to get back to the magic.

To be the embodied revolution of the next EVOLUTION of that which is for me, through me, and as me.

And part of that is finally {fiiiiiinally} opening the doors to the EAE.

Which is, in case you’ve missed the whisperings, the primordial and {re}pussified initiation of my Erotic Abolitionism™ body of work.

And, the primary way for all my Melanated Medicine Kin to work with me moving forward.

But, more on that later.

For now, suffice to say, I knew what was becoming… precedence… within my bones.

I knew the layout of my business and offerings and activations moving forward for the foreseeable future.

And yet, I was ALSO called to have a sale.

Which didn’t make {logical} sense with everything else I was being shown.

With everything else I was revealing and directing within and for myself.

But, I could feel that having the sale was in and of itself a portal.

Something I needed to see and feel and remember and know.

So that I could metabolize it as medicine for myself and for you.

{Note: What might be broadcasting for YOU right now, within your own medicine, business, body, life, and all the things?}

One thing I have known for quite some time:

I love having sales.

Like, LOVE that shit.

But, and this is a huge but…

I hate TALKING about the sale.

I just wanna (semi) secretly put dope medicine on sale and those who are listening to the energetics simply… know and enroll themselves in whatever floats their pleasure boat at that moment.

Now, you’re probably saying, oh, that’s crazy, you have to do all the things and sell to the people at least seven times before they buy and yada yada fuck fuck.

You know.

All the things we’re told it “takes” before we can share our magic with the people.


What if there was another way?

Which, of course of course, there is.

{There’s always another way, FYI.}

Now, you might be like ohhhhhh, she’s about to drop some new hotness on my ass!!!

And, well, maybe.

But, more likely?


This is simply a remembrance and CHOOSING of that which you and I have always known.

And it is this:

Show up.


I love you.

See you next time.


I wouldn’t leave you hanging like that. 🤣

Photo by Juan Martin Lopez on Unsplash

But frfr… it’s that simple.

Show. Up.

And, as with many things that are truly simple, the embodiment and activation OF that wisdom is often where the rub comes in.

Because HOW?

How could it be that simple?

How could it not require a bajillion little steps?

How could you not have to sell your soul to ye ole Colonized Reaper before you’re able to see any progress or success?

How could it possibly be safe for us to have everything we see inside of us… just like that?

And so, this encoding around simplicity often leads us to make things so damn complicated that we don’t know where to begin.

Or we start throwing everything under the sun into our body of work, and never get around to actually being the embodied evocation OF the work.

Because, when we get down to the nature of it all…

Life is simple.

We just complicate the hell out of it.

Love is simple.

We just complicate the hell out of it.

Kindness is simple.

We just complicate the hell out of it.

Generosity is simple.

We just complicate the hell out of it.

Belonging is simple.

We just complicate the hell out of it.

Now, notice I didn’t say that it’s all necessarily EASY.

I said simple.

Because the nature of it all is, inherently, nature itself.

With all its wild, intricate, terrifyingly beautiful messiness that is… nature.

And the magic of our souls is no different.

Because we, too, are… simply… nature.

And we get to show up to it and, in turn, allow it to show up to {and as} us.

But, that’s where we start to get wiggly, you know?

We start to get uncertain.

We start to add in shit that never asked to be added.

We start to burn down things we actually love.

And we start to let in that insidious fuckery that clouds our perception like no other:


And that’s where I will actually leave you for today.

Cuz this shit is getting long.

I’ll be back tomorrow with more.

And with the opening of the waitlist for the most magical soul shit I have ever before allowed through me.

Same bat time. Same bat channel.

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,



It will of course be at a random time tomorrow 🤣, but it will be right back here in the newsletter.


The sale is still open for a few more hours because I forgot to close it.

And because now it feels like a dick move to tell you about the sale and not give you time to enroll in any of the programs that might be speaking to you.

So, here you go:

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