(+ EAE Founders Members pricing ends in a few hours!)
Pre-S: The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience, my brand new {re}wilding community for Melanated Kin, is now open. Our first round for OG Founding Members is closing at 11:59pm PT tonight. After that, the price increases to Early Adopter rates. Join us here.
Where something you already know, like KNOW know, just hits you in a whole new way.
And where, if you’re paying attention and you allow it, your entire energy body shifts and the next evolution of soul simply… is.
That was my day today.
Because I know the time is now for the EAE.
And also…
I’ve been called to focus even more on speaking to liberation and the collective.
It’s what I’ve always spoken to, in varying ways.
It’s hard to describe.
Almost like the difference between a bell… and a gong.
There is a resonance and deep reverberation thrumming through my body and soul.
A howling of God.
Beckoning an activation and surrender at levels I have only played at until now.
What’s done is done and what is, simply now IS.
It’s not the first time this has happened.
And it won’t be the last.
But, when it DOES happen?
You lean in.
Cuz shit’s about to get real.
Back to the “problem”.
You see, it was never a problem.
Not really.
It was only my perception and lens telling me it was a problem.
My encoding and trauma body were screaming their way through my back body and breath.
Telling me there was NO WAY.
Telling me it was impossible.
Telling me I had to choose.
And what were the polarities at the seemingly disparate and opposing ends of this choice?
To either open the EAE and go all in on soul… Or to speak to the collective liberation placed INSIDE my soul.
Because the world is fucking burning.
And those of us who are called know beyond knowing that our art and medicine is the way through.
For ourselves.
And for all those we are meant to dance with on this primordial dance floor.
I was in what I call the Frequency of Fragmentation.
It’s where we know what we’ve been shown.
But we don’t see the way to live into it and activate it because we’re still looking at it through an old, outmoded lens.
{Read that again.}
A lens that tells us what we have been shown is dangerous and holds consequence.
And so, we want it…
But we’re also fighting against it.
A lens that, when it’s all said and done, was likely never even a lens of our choosing.
It was simply something we imprinted upon or that was forced down our throat {by family, society, culture, media, institutional means of oppression, etc}.
If the embers are the sacred nectar and dusting of the Most High, dancing their evolution and dissolution as our soul…
Then the flame is that which has already become form, that which has already become matter and collapsed from infinite potentiality into a singular “reality”.
And we are taught to only see the flame, you know?
We are told that the flame is what’s safe and that the flame is what will allow us to step into the life we see and hold inside.
Except… EXCEPT… the flame is limited to physical reality and form.
It has already BECOME.
The cosmic and holy quanta reverbing through our body, breath, blood, and bones.
The {re}pussified and oracular way, where there is no way.
The God medicine being invoked and evoked as itself, through itself, for itself.
And what happens when we whisper and breathe the embers back to aliveness with our very souls?
We un-become.
We remember.
We return.
Today was such a day for me.
And, if you are who I think you are, the medicine pouring through me might just help your coming days to become the frequency of your own God medicine as well.
Because today I finally let what I knew to be true… actually BE true.
There is no separation between me fighting for collective liberation… and gathering my fellow Soul Refugees into the EAE.
On all layers and levels.
So, of COURSE they are not separate.
Because the work and medicine of our souls is the way we speak to liberation itself.
When we are willing to use our voices for those whose voices have been silenced and stolen, that is the embers.
And when we are in the daily practice of cultivating the resilience needed to place our bodies on the line for a world where there is finally liberation for all, that too is the embers.
And so.
And every day.
I choose the yes-and.
I choose to lean in.
I choose to embody the fuck out of my own yes.
And I choose to be the living evocation of the God medicine born to my own Refugee Soul.
As always…
Here’s to your untaming,
The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience is a monthly membership experience for the Melanated Medicine Kin who are no longer willing to settle for anything less than the totality of the pussy-dripping Wilds born between their thighs.
The Soul Refugees who are no longer content striving for a construct of white washed feminism and so-called “empowerment” masquerading as freedom.
The Multidimensional Messengers who know it’s PAST fucking time for their message and revolution to not only be heard, but for them to be completely and utterly KNOWN in and as the erotic evocation of who they damn well know they are.
And, Wild One, if you are here…
This might just be for you.
This MIGHT just be where you finally and wholly belong.
And, as more deets are being shared, the price is also increasing tomorrow.
So, today is the last day to save 50% off your membership for life and join us as a Founding Member for just $55/month (or $555/year).
Tomorrow, the price increases to Early Adopter enrollment ($88/month or $888/year).
So, if you already know you want in, let’s get this shit.
Here’s a lil’ something, something to whet your appetite for what’s to come (and cummmmmm):
We will have a calendar with upcoming events, but the borderlands of each month (and all they attempt to contain) will shapeshift as the medicine calls.
So, please note: If you’re looking for a hypermasculine community filled with “do this or else” style tactics… that is structured to its last breath… you will not enjoy this space.
This is beyond the binary of masc/femme.
This is an initiation into the primality of soul.
An androgynous alchemy of mystery and eros and the dark.
Walking all edges.
Merging all edges.
As we fall {and leap} into the void once more.