Come with me behind the scenes of my creative process…
And it’s been that way for more than a year.
Which, for a writer and muse (etc), is a pretty big deal.
You know the fire swamp in The Princess Bride, where the ROUS come out of nowhere?
And you have to wrestle them through the fire explosions that just pop up all around you?
That’s kinda what putting words to page (and mic) have felt like as of late.
Like, bone weary exhaustion on the physical, physiological, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes.
But this EAE offering just kept coming back through.
It wouldn’t leave my side.
I mean, I’ve known this was THE thing for years.
Even when I kept putting other things in front of it.
Even when I had energy and was dropped in with my magic.
I heard this offering whispering… and I kept telling it to wait.
I kept telling myself I HAD to wait.
And then family and life hit the fan.
Even more than it already had.
And the exhaustion I had been keeping at bay came crashing over me.
And then howling.
And then thrumming.
And I kept telling it to wait.
I even opened the doors once, but quickly shut it down.
The energy wasn’t dropped in.
I wasn’t dropped in.
I still doubted it.
I still doubted myself.
I had gone back into a state of doubting my body’s ability to handle running even the most minuscule aspects of business and art.
And so I told the magic to wait some more.
Until things could recalibrate.
Until I myself could recalibrate.
And don’t get me wrong.
Surrendering and intending and directing.
And yet.
And YET.
There I was.
So deeply submerged in the waiting that I lost sight of the desire for WHY this offering was trying to come through in the first place.
But I kept thinking that in order to say yes to the thing howling my name in the night, I needed to first “get back” to myself.
That in order for my body and nervous system to be able to hold the immensity of this medicine, I needed to be at full health and turn on and aliveness.
Because my magic and creative expression are major aspects of me being fully dropped in and alive.
So, by waiting until the energy shifted, I was creating a circumstance that made it impossible to do so.
Now, was there some major shit happening over here?
Is some of it still happening?
Were some of the beliefs that were fucking me up, the habits of outmoded colonized constructs and encoding?
You betcha.
Soul keeps calling.
Spirit keeps whispering.
The medicine initiations keep on keeping on.
And so.
At the threshold of remembrance and the void.
Of inertia and momentum.
Of saying yes…
Even when you have no idea how you’ll have the energy to EMBODY that yes.
And so.
Here. We. Are.
But, before I introduce the offering, I need to tell you a bit about what this opening is NOT.
Because one thing I have never actually enjoyed was big “launches”.
They truly do not resonate with my energy, my neurodiverse brain, or my soul.
The opening of this membership will be… a story.
What story?
Not sure.
It hasn’t yet written itself.
But, I will allow it to unfold through me as it is does.
And I will invite you along for the ride.
Now, what I do know is that if you want in… if you know it’s for you… you will simply enroll yourself.
If you know you are one of us, then you will be.
I’m not going to “sell” you on this offering.
It’s just not that type of party.
If you have ever worked with me, been a client or student or member of mine in the past…
Or you have wanted to be…
This is the culmination of everything.
All paths of my magic.
All teachings.
All initiations.
All fuck ups.
All perceived failures.
All medicine.
I am pouring everything into this membership, because it is pouring everything into me.
So, if you are one of my Melanated Medicine Kin…
This just might be your huckleberry.
Here’s a little snippet from the (unfinished) invitation page:
The EAE is a monthly membership experience for the Melanated Medicine Kin who are no longer willing to settle for anything less than the totality of the pussy-dripping Wilds born between their thighs.
The Soul Refugees who are no longer content striving for a construct of white washed feminism and so-called “empowerment” masquerading as freedom.
The Multidimensional Messengers who know it’s PAST fucking time for their message and revolution to not only be heard, but for them to be completely and utterly KNOWN in and as the erotic evocation of who they damn well know they are.
And, Wild One, if you are here…
This might just be for you.
This MIGHT just be where you finally and wholly belong…
All the deets, etc aren’t on there.
The checkout button is not on there.
But, you can head to the page and learn more about the EAE here.
Then, if you know this is for you, DM me on IG and let me know you’re ready to become a Founding Member.
And I’ll send you the link to join us.
The EAE is only open for Founding Members for a short time.
And, as a Founding Member, you will receive 50% off your membership (monthly or annual) for as long as you remain a member.
Regular membership will be $111/month (or $1,111/year) and Founding Members will be able to enroll for just $55/month (or $555/year).
If you leave {I don’t know why you ever WOULD!}, you can of course rejoin, it would simply be at the current rate at that time.
From what I know today, we will open for a few days each season.
This first round of opening will last longer however, most likely through the Equinox.
Founding Members will also receive bonus (lifetime) access to one of my absolutely FAVE bundles, #EmbodiedAF, which you will be able to dive into straight away.
Enrollment for Founding Members will close on March 3rd, at which point we will begin enrolling Early Adopters, who will receive 20% off their membership for as long as long as they remain members.
Also, your EAE members area and community will open on March 18th, and we will have our first live gathering over Spring Equinox on March 19th.
Sooooo many more deets and magic to come, but this is already long as shit, so I’ll stop here for now. 🤣
You can of course DM me with any questions.
I love you.
I cannot WAIT for this journey together.
As always…
Here’s to your untaming,
I know, I know.
I was probably shit at talking about the EAE in this email/post.
But, like I said.
I have no idea what I’m doing anymore.
Which is, weirdly enough…
Actually a good thing.
More on that tmrw…
I hate waitlists.
Sorry if you signed up for this one.
But, I just fucking can’t.
What I CAN do is what fully turns on my soul.
And, thank you Sonali for the reminder, part of that is Behind The Scenes style dopeness.
So, that’s what we’re going with instead.
Because #soul.
See ya mañana.
Same Bat time. Same Bat channel.