The coaching industry, “unpopular opinions”, and actually affecting real change

Uhhhh… fair warning. You might want to sit down for this one.

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May 22, 2023


Nikka Karli

The coaching industry, “unpopular opinions”, and actually affecting real change

Y’all out here taking all this time, talking all this shit about the coaching industry.

Purporting to give your “unpopular opinion” about the very industry that you are not only IN, but are also making money FROM.

You know what we don’t see you up in arms about?

White supremacy.

The dangers of simply being alive in this world within a melanated body.

But, sure.

Keep doing the very same thing you’re complaining about.

AKA: Upholding the incestuous aspect of online coaching.

You know, the very one that you’re raging about by saying the same damn thing as everyone else who’s feigning to be butt hurt by their own field.

You know what you could be doing instead?

Actually using your platform for liberation and anti-oppression work.

To elevate the voices of marginalized people groups.

To help ensure the safety, agency, and liberation of all.

{Not just those who look like you.}

And if you’re all up in your feels right now, lean in.

Because there is likely something here for you.

There is likely something within you that has been howling this through your body each time you line up to “take a stand” against some bullshit that does nothing to actually CHANGE shit.


And that “unpopular opinion” you think you have?


Online coaching has been this way from the jump.

And those of us who have been coaching for decades and were doing this shit offline way before we came into this whole world of the interwebs have known the problems that exist within online coaching since our day one.

So that opinion?

Not so new and not so unpopular as all that.

Maybe you could use your message to say something that will actually help keep all bodies safe and free?

Maybe you could invest in your own deep work and allow that to infuse and inform the magic of you and all that you evoke into the world?

And not just for those few months in 2020 when all of y’all claimed you were about Black Lives mattering… but then you bounced when you realized it wasn’t going to just be a 4 week program that you could then use to herald your antiracist status, but, rather, a deeply embodied abolition of who you are BEING throughout your lifetime.

{I said what I fucking said.}

Or, I suppose, you could keep on raging about how much you hate “what’s become” of the online coaching field.

Because yeah, that’s going to keep Black and brown people from being lynched and shot just for daring to exist.

Because sure, that’s going to keep BIPOC Trans youth safe as they move through the world.

Because, right right riiiiiight, that’s going to stop the epidemic of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women/Girls.

Because, mmmhmmmm, that raging about coaches coaching coaches?

Yeah, THAT’S what’s gonna finally change things.

And yes, I’m talking to all of y’all white bodied coaches, healers, artists, speakers, etc who claim to be about liberation.

Who claim to be about antiracism.

Who claim to give a damn.

And also…

I’m talking to us.

The Melanated Kin.

When we know beyond knowing that we are messaging about shit we don’t actually care about.

When we know we’re watering down our real message for fear of what might happen to our body if we were to actually say what needs to be said.

And really?

I’m talking to all of us who know it’s time for something that is ACTUALLY different.

Both Melanated Kin and white co-conspirators of the revolution at hand.

And, if you actually do give a damn, I’m talking to you.

I have an invitation for us to move beyond any performative or “safe” actions that don’t require us to actually take a stand {but just pretend to}.

An activation for us into the {re}pussification of our bodies, businesses, art, and impact.

A primordial interoception of revelation between formlessness and form.

This is where you decolonize the fuck out of all that you are… all that you speak and think and believe to be possible for you, through you, and as you.

And, this is where you come home to the deepest reverence and somatic regulation you have perhaps ever known.


If you are with us…

If you are ready to be the catalyst for ACTUAL change…

And if you are willing to allow it all in the most turned on and embodied way evahhhh…

Then, let’s get this shit.


Erotic Abolitionism™: Foundations

An Ontological {Re}Wilding Of Liberatory Practice, Relational Kinship, & Decolonization As Medicine (A 3 Day Intensive with Nikka Karli)

We are now open for Super Early Adopter pricing {$222}.

The investment moves to Early Adopter pricing tomorrow {$333} and then to regular pricing {$555} on May 29th.

The madness begins on June 1st.

And I’ll tell you, this is going to be the bones of my entire body of work.

One I will continue to pour into year after year.

So, if you have ever wanted to work with me, this is the time and this is the offer.

Once the sale page goes up tomorrow, the price goes up as well.

You can enroll here now.

I love you.

Let’s wreck the fuck out of some status quos, shall we?

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,


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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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