Letting go of what it was, to be revealed as what you now are

(+ EAE pricing increases in less than 36 hours)

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March 17, 2024


Nikka Karli

Letting go of what it was, to be revealed as what you now are

Pre-S: Your chance to enroll in The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience with Early Adopter pricing for life ends tomorrow (Monday, March 18th) at midnight. The medicine begins this week. Join us now.

It will only flow, when you let it flow.

When you stop trying.

When you surrender into what it has always been for you.

We fight.

We rail.

We attempt to transcend the flesh.

Because we are taught the Divine is not here.

But, rather, somewhere.

Out there.



We try to shed the conditioning of inherent wrongness we have internalized as our truth.

And only then do we attempt to seek Truth.

{If we are not careful, we might find ourselves running that neverending mile, somewhere, a million years from now.}

But there is no difference.

Between that which IS and that which we always and ever ARE.

This perception of separation will be our undoing.

This disillusionment of having fallen from Grace will be our un-becoming.

But, that’s the medicine, you see?

Because it is only through that which we have been TAUGHT to see, that we will finally See.

See Truth.

As us.

It is only through the bowels of identity that we will be dissolved back into Oneness.

Ah, yes. Okay.

You fear you cannot see it yet.

Well, then, can you scent it?

Can you roll it around on the back of your tongue?

Can you undulate it through your hips and your spine?

Because you will find yourself there.

Because it is there you will be found.

But you must be WILLING to see.

You must be willing to lay down your arms and open your thighs and remember who the fuck you are…

And who you are not.

You will only be revealed when you are no longer trying to present.

Present what?


On what you have encoded to believe as acceptable and worthy and what will bring you success and love and wealth and opportunity.

It depends on what you encoded to believe will bring you God.

But, of course of course, God was never anywhere other than wherever you are.

Just as you were never anywhere other than where you presently, now, here… are.


An inquiry:

What have you encoded to believe you had to BE in order to HAVE?

And, a bit more…

What are you now willing to be dissolved as, in order to be revealed and have it all?



As always…

Here’s to your untaming,



Ah yes.

Having it all.

Such a controversial little saying.

What does it mean?

Well, whatever the fuck you SAY it means for you.

(Of course.)


We are officially kicking off The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience over Spring Equinox.

As such, Early Adopter pricing is ending tomorrow (Monday, March 18, 2024) at midnight.

You still have time to join us before the magic pops off.

And believe me…

Shit’s about to POP the fuck OFF.

Grab your spot here.

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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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