If you were starting again and had absolutely no clue…

But you know the time is now.

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February 24, 2024


Nikka Karli

If you were starting again and had absolutely no clue…

What words would you use… if the language was never before spoken?

What ideas would you invoke… if you were the first to evoke their meaning?

And what soul actions would you take… if there had never been a consequence FOR those actions?

Sometimes we’re called to start over.

To begin yet again.

But we resist.

Because we have assigned so many layers of encodings around what it might say about us… do to us… do to others…

That we can’t even fathom the chaos and destruction we fear we might reap upon ourselves and our world.

And so even though we might have received the call, we refuse to answer.

We continue on with the thing we know is no longer for us, because we can’t see a way for the NEXT thing to be for us.

There’s a parting of the veil of our own consciousness here.

Within it all.

As it all.

A slipping into the spaces between.

That beckons and beseeches us to remember.

To return to the place where we actually CAN’T know, because it is not for us TO know.

Not here.

Not now.

Not yet.

And we are faced with a choice.

To keep fighting our own soul…

Or to let go into the oblivion of what has not yet touched down in our bodies and art.

And if you find yourself at one such moment, at one such crossroad, there is an invitation to be felt.

One that will inspire, as you conspire with Creation itself.

To see beyond what human sight can perceive.

To hear deeper than human senses can process.

To go beyond the limits the human mind has formulated.

And it is within that breaking open, that we are found once more.

It is within that mystery, that the truth of ourselves is revealed once more.

But it requires something that most are unwilling to give.

That all of us, at some point, have been likely unwilling to give.

It requires us to become active participants in our lives once more.

To lean into our own aliveness once more.

To allow ourselves to become so fully alive, that we risk not wanting to give it up.

To tether ourselves so profoundly to the here and the now, that we risk being truly, madly, and deeply SEEN.

And, within it all, to cultivate the most sacred state of non-attachment to even our own beingness, that we risk our personhood dissolving almost completely.


How deeply are you willing to meet yourself?

How deeply are you willing to go…

To be found?

And, when you have no clue where to start, you’ll know you’re ready to begin.

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,



We’re weaving story here.

Thread by thread.

Undulation by undulation.

And the mystery will beget the mystery.

If you’re willing.

If it’s for you.

If your “there” is now “here” and you have become your own yes.


ICYMI (for my Melanated Medicine Kin)…

The Erotic Abolitionism™ Experience is now open for Founding Members.

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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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