Here’s what happens when you (finally) get tired of business as usual

Hint: It’s Lydia Deets (it’s always Lydia Deets)

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May 1, 2024


Nikka Karli

Here’s what happens when you (finally) get tired of business as usual

One of my all time fave quotes is from Beetlejuice.

“I myself am strange and unusual.”

And yes, I’ve written about it before.

Because it’s the shit.

And also…

It’s the truth.

Now, some of the only times I’m truly pissed at myself is when I forget this.

When I try to water down the madness and the Wilds as they move through me.

And why, you might ask, would a wayward primordial mystic do such a thing to themselves?

Well, fuck if I know.

And also, also?

I kinda DO know.

It’s habit.

One born of encoding and trauma and systemic fuckery and #allthethings, to be sure.

But, habit nonetheless.

And what does one do with habits that are no longer supporting the magic (and likely never did)?

Why, we remember who the fuck we are.

{Of course.}

And then we get back to living into the medicine pouring through us, for the now.


To ourselves.

To that which IS as US.

We surrender to an awakening that disrupts our patterns and conditioning and beckons us home once more.

Now, this then INHERENTLY initiates us into our own particular brand of the strange and unusual.

It asks us to be revealed as the truth of ourselves, rather than the trappings of falsified personhood(s) to which we’ve subscribed.

But, this is also when shit starts to get good.

{Like, really really goooooood.}

More tomorrow, where we’ll dive into the weirding of all things soul.

For now, head over to watch this (60 sec) and let me know what comes through for you.

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,


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