Composting the cosmic & resurrecting the deadened magic of soul

Or: There is no substitution for the void…

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April 24, 2024


Nikka Karli

Composting the cosmic & resurrecting the deadened magic of soul

There will come a time, when you are called to more.

Not more of the random shit we are taught to hold as important.

Rather, more of that which it was always going to be about for you.

More OF you.

{Perhaps this is such a moment.}

But what often accompanies this subterrestrial howling back unto ourselves, is a need for movement.

Now, movement is neither good nor bad, neither here nor there.

Movement is simply itself.

It is what we breathe into being WITH our movement that matters here.

Because often when the call to move begins scratching at our skin, we fall into an automated habit of moving FORWARD.

When, at such moments, we are actually being howled to move IN.

Both are movement, yes.

But one invokes us into the medicine of God riding our bones, while the other simply begets action before we have even created intention.

Care to guess which one then initiates true momentum in the long run?

Spoiler alert:

It’s the one where you move in.

Into the depths.

Into the void.

Into your everything.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Because when we move in, we move worlds.

And the worlds move us.

And we then, only then, move forward in such a way that we are BEING moved.

We move forward because we can’t NOT.

Ah, but what about the now, now, now?

Yes, yes.

We remember this pressure to be… pressurized.

To feel as if the need to move is taking us over.

But, what if we simply allow and direct it to take us UNDER?

Under the waves.

Under the personhood.

Under the habituated patterning we almost {almost} came to believe WAS us.

Who might we remember and become, if the only thing left was the absence of everything BUT us?

Not the identities and temporal trappings of us.

The TRUTH of us.

The us that is… when it’s all said and done and the lights have gone out and the curtains have closed on this primordial dance floor… the TRUTH.

{Who indeed.}

And, if you were not trying to immediately GET somewhere with your divine impetus, but, rather, BE the somewhere where everything and nothing always and ever IS…

Would you let this moment BECOME such a moment for you?

In the now, now, now?


We thought you might.

As always…

Here’s to your untaming,



I just dropped an absolute MUST LISTEN transmission inside The Kin:Ship, which is our private community group inside The EAE.

Melanated Kin, you might want to get in there with us stat.

Cuz shit is about to go down.

Here’s where you begin {and, perhaps perhaps, end}.

DM me on IG with any questions.


This full moon in Scorpio is giving alllllll the life, death, and transmutation.

And I’m called to temporarily reopen #GoddessTheFuckUp:

An Erotic Excursion Into The Underworld Of Who You Are So That You Can Once-And-For-Fucking-All Do What It Takes Every Damn DAY To Unleash And Untame The Raw, Primordial Medicine Of Your Soul That Is Howling To Be Set Free

Because it’s time.

And you can get GTFU for 50% off if you enroll now.

And, AND, EAE members receive an additional 30% off group programs and courses, so if you’re feeling called to join us, you might want to do that first.

Sale ends Thursday.

And GTFU goes completely back into the vault this weekend.

Grab your spot here.

(GTFU is open access)

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A multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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