Idea To Done
Day 2
Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.
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No notes today!
➤ What have you placed in front of the magic?
➤ What would happen if that was no longer in front of the magic?
➤ What do you believe it will “take” for you to prioritize the magic as a non-negotiable?
➤ And what else might be true?
➤ What would support you in the magic being a non-negotiable as of right now?
➤ Why would you not be asking for that/choosing that?
➤ If it wasn’t selfish, dangerous, exhausting, etc to hold the line on the magic as a way of Being, then what would you now be the non-negotiable for?
➤ And what do you now claim as yours, no matter what?