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Scale Your Impact

{SYI} The Prelude

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you might desire to drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

You are about to enter into some yummy af transmissions, which were originally shared over an email sequence.

These all accompany the main content inside of SYI.

Enjoy! 😍

Wild One,

Welcome to Scale Your Impact™ {SYI for short}. I am so fucking excited you are here.

SYI is the free foreplay for my body of work.

Layla Martin says this about the way I lead and facilitate experiences:

"Nikka is one of the most embodied and deeply wise teachers of this work I have come across... The first time I heard her speak, I knew in my bones she was meant to reach a global audience."

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. For now, allow yourself to fully dive into the magic in this totally free, "nothing-to-buy-here" creative project... from my wild heart to yours.

Mmmmm yes…

Oh, and here's a heads up:

The Lessons are interactive... mainly long-form text with some additional videos, journaling prompts, and quizzes throughout.

I'm going to show you a verrrry different way of approaching your art, your brand, and your pleasure.

By the end of this program, you will have a deep understanding of how to leverage your most orgasmic Primal Self and intrinsic Sexual Energy to scale your message and Genius into a preeminent platform of social change.

I am consistently told how turned on and... horny... people are becoming when they move through this work.

So... #justsayin... you might wanna get you some.

Over the next two or so weeks, I will walk you through EXACTLY how to make art, make love, and make an impact from the Primal Power of your Pussy.

Awwww yeah.

And I need you to know this:

You truly CAN take your soul's work to the global level while still having an abundance of energy and desire left over for life.

In fact, your "come from" will BE that energy and desire, sooooo... no more Creative Hamster Wheel of Doom.

Just energetic expansion and full-on Orgasmic Waking Bliss.


In a few days, I'll be sharing how I used my own Primal Pussy Power to do something pretty much unheard of for someone without a TED Talk, NYT bestseller, and celebrity endorsements {yet ;) }.

I landed a coveted spot in a global interview series with some of the world's leading authorities on storytelling in Hollywood, documentaries, branding, and activism.

And I'll share it all with you, as long as you pinky promise to only use these powers for the highest good.

OK, that's all for now.

So much more to come.

I can't wait to hear about all the insights and "a-ha-fuuuuck" moments you're about to have!

Anyways, buckle up, Buttercup... 'cuz It's. About. To. Go. Down.

See ya mañana.

Same bat time, same bat channel.

As always...

Here's to your untaming,

Nikka "Let's See Just How Deep This Rabbit Hole Goes" Karli


I know your Squirrel Tendencies are going to try to distract... God, I miss Prince’s artistic Genius soooo... I could really go for some soy chai right... I wonder how warm the water is in the Dominican Republic this time of... Shit, I need to finish this book like yesterday or else I won’t be able to… Ummmm... wait... what was I saying?

Yeah. You know what I’m talking about.

I can guarantee the Resistance will be strong with this one.

But stick around and read every word, anyways...

And tell that Squirrel to go get bent.

Because we've got work to do.

I'll see ya tmrw.